Attachment Awareness | How Attachment Styles Affect Classroom Behavior

All children have their own unique way of interacting with the world around them. And while their temperaments play a big part in this, emotional nurturing is also important. This essential piece is how attachment is formed. The emotional bond between a child and their parent lays the foundation for how the child will relate to other people and environments they encounter throughout their lives. When we know how the type of attachment contributes to the behaviors observed, we can then serve children in the classroom in a more effective way.

Dr. John Bowlby, along with Dr. Mary Ainsworth, developed the Attachment Theory.

They created the “attachment behavior system,” which is the guiding system for our patterns of developing relationships. The level of love and security felt by a child is the basis for how each of the four types of attachment is formed.

    1. Secure Attachment: These children see their parents as a firm base of support in times of need or difficulty. In new situations, they may show some distress when separated from their parent but are better once the parent returns. Because they have developed trust that their parents always meet their needs, they trust others more and are confident enough to explore things around them. These positive feelings lead to more success in the classroom.
    2. Anxious-Resistant Attachment: These children have tremendous amounts of separation anxiety and display strong emotional reactions to it. In new situations, they lack the confidence to explore new things, even when the parent is present or has returned. These behaviors are generally developed from an unpredictable parenting style, where the parent alternates between caring, angry, and even insensitive approaches. These children may have more difficulty in the classroom with relationship development and may isolate themselves.
    3. Anxious-Avoidant Attachment: These children are very independent of their parents and have minimal stress when separated. Even after the parent returns, these children often don’t acknowledge them and prefer emotional distance from others. Typically, their parents have cared for the child’s physical needs but have been emotionally unresponsive. In the classroom, these children are likely to resist help and show more aggression or other behaviors, such as lying and bullying.
    4. Disorganized-Disoriented Attachment: These children are typically the victims of abuse or neglect by their parents, and there is no specific pattern of behavior. They look to their parents for basic needs to be met, but with fear that they may be hurt. They often avoid their parents and fear others as well. Because they struggle with developing relationships, they may switch between being withdrawn to being disruptive and aggressive.

    Awareness of these types of attachment can assist teachers, counselors, coaches, and other adults who work with children in recognizing individual needs to help fill the gaps. Glens Falls Karate Academy utilizes this knowledge to strengthen each child’s individualized approach and needs. This method encourages an appreciation for a child’s emotional deficiencies, so the instructors in the class can address these things with a supportive social environment and classroom management. Also, the program offers parents ways to improve connection, leading to a more secure attachment.

    As a child grows, they develop attachments to others that they interact with frequently. Using an approach that incorporates attachment awareness when working with children, adults can create an environment that is a secure base for them. This insight provides valuable information into each child’s world to influence their relationships positively, which will lead to improved learning.

    To learn more about our child development program that utilizes dynamic martial arts and cutting-edge brain training as the vehicle for maximum growth or to get your child started, select a program below.


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    About our programs

    Early SKILLZ
    Preschool - Kindergarten

    3–4 year-olds are naturally curious. They might not be ready for the rigid structure of a traditional martial arts class ... but they do need to start learning about appropriate social behavior!

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    Basic SKILLZ
    1st Grade - 3rd Grade

    It's often easy for teachers and parents to overestimate 5-6 year old children. They're better at following directions and paying attention than younger children, but they still need some help controlling themselves and focusing on tasks.
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    Core SKILLZ
    3rd Grade - 5th Grade

    Children are like sponges. They absorb things quickly and easily - far more easily than we do as adults. Not only are they getting healthier as they learn martial arts, but they're also learning the value of self-discipline and respect.
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    Junior Karate SKILLZ
    Middle School Program

    Karate may normally make you think of self-defense, fitness, and discipline ... the truth is, it's all of that and WAY more!
    Our program helps our students build skills that they can APPLY to every area of their life and empower them to be the very best they can possibly be!

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    Teens Karate
    High School Program

    Instead of giving into the moodiness and attitude, take them to our dojo instead! Teenagers are smart and capable - but they can also be their own worst enemies. Between peer pressure, their innate urge to rebel against their parents, and their surging hormones, they can be impossible to be around. But all they need is an outlet for their frustrations - and an opportunity to be their best.- DISCOVER -

    Adult Karate
    Ages 17+

    Martial arts training is fun, empowering, and provides a great workout for adults. Studying martial arts is something that anybody - at any age or fitness level - can do. Our programs make learning fun, empowering, and provides a great workout for busy parents!

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