DEFINITION: To push forward regardless of the obstacles.
To not give up easily.

“The difference between impossible and possible lies in a man’s determination.”

~ Tommy LaSorda ~

Dear Parents,

This month we are covering the character word: DETERMINATION. Determination is a positive character trait. A person with determination Is someone that sets goals and does not give up. If there Is something this person wants to do, he or she will not give up easily or be distracted by something else. It is important that we teach our children how to have determination and that they will reap the rewards by accomplishing worthwhile goals.

Here Is a guideline regarding children and determination based on age:

Make sure that you don’t push your children over their limits. The goal for this month’s character lesson is to help nurture your children’s abilities to persevere through tasks that are attainable. Be sure to also point out the many benefits they gain from having great determination.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to watching our youthful students build the skill of

Sincerely, GFKA Staff