Balance Feels Best – Helping Children Neutralize Technology Overload

As digital learning has become a widely preferred alternative for school, children everywhere are now “required” to be on devices in the wake of the pandemic. This is quite a change from the screen time limits that parents have attempted to enforce for years. Now, allotting time for school online, connecting with distant relatives via video chats, and participating in physical activities virtually are all a part of our everyday lives. Therefore, our new reality is challenging parent’s view of how much screen time is too much. Parents everywhere must shift their rules regarding their children’s use of technology and implement a balanced online lifestyle with other offline activities.

Technology has become a part of our daily lives in many positive ways. And while we have quicker and easier access to things and people, it has also caused many to live in a continual state of hyperstimulation. For children, this constant dopamine fix is the reason so many become “addicted” to devices. This can lead to negative behaviors and bad habits that will be more difficult to break. After hours of digital time, children become tired and irritable and often have meltdowns when told their time is up. And while the toxicity from technology overuse can be harmful, it’s not going anywhere.

Especially now that many children are spending more time “online” at school, it’s essential that parents alter their viewpoint and set clear boundaries for tech time that correlates with our current situation. It is equally important for children to have scheduled breaks though. Research has shown that we blink less when we are on devices, which leads to eye pain and headaches, so breaks are essential. In addition, encouraging good learning habits during school hours will help children get work done more efficiently so they have time for other activities. These non-tech activities can then counteract the overstimulation and anxiety that devices can cause. Habit 7, “Sharpen the Saw – Balance Feels Best” in the book, “The 7 Habits of Happy Kids” by Sean Covey, is a great way to find balance. Even though we can now learn, connect with family, and exercise online, too much of anything can still be bad.

The SKILLZ program was developed after years of research in science and psychology. The progressive child development techniques that SKILLZ implements encourages development and balance. While essential skills in physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development are nurtured in each class, methods used by instructors also foster the production of positive brain chemicals that help to counteract stress and anxiety. The stability that comes from a creative balance helps benefit children’s development. 

As screen time has increased during school for many children now, parents must adjust their stance on screen time limits while also continuing to promote device-free time and activities. Creating opportunities and encouraging activities for children to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially without using technology is essential more than ever. While it will take more creativity and patience on the part of parents to instill the importance of balance, the result will be better adjusted children with more positive habits.

Learn more about our kids karate programs & how to schedule your first lesson below!

Balance Feels Best – Helping Children Neutralize Technology Overload


About our programs

Preschool - Kindergarten

3–4 year-olds are naturally curious. They might not be ready for the rigid structure of a traditional martial arts class ... but they do need to start learning about appropriate social behavior!


1st Grade - 3rd Grade

It's often easy for teachers and parents to overestimate 5-6 year old children. They're better at following directions and paying attention than younger children, but they still need some help controlling themselves and focusing on tasks.

3rd Grade - 5th Grade

Children are like sponges. They absorb things quickly and easily - far more easily than we do as adults. Not only are they getting healthier as they learn martial arts, but they're also learning the value of self-discipline and respect.

Junior Karate SKILLZ
Middle School Program

Karate may normally make you think of self-defense, fitness, and discipline ... the truth is, it's all of that and WAY more!
Our program helps our students build skills that they can APPLY to every area of their life and empower them to be the very best they can possibly be!


Teens Karate
High School Program

Instead of giving into the moodiness and attitude, take them to our dojo instead! Teenagers are smart and capable - but they can also be their own worst enemies. Between peer pressure, their innate urge to rebel against their parents, and their surging hormones, they can be impossible to be around. But all they need is an outlet for their frustrations - and an opportunity to be their best.- DISCOVER -

Adult Karate
Ages 17+

Martial arts training is fun, empowering, and provides a great workout for adults. Studying martial arts is something that anybody - at any age or fitness level - can do. Our programs make learning fun, empowering, and provides a great workout for busy parents!






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