Promotion Portal

Intent to Promote & Parent Report Card Surveys


Our training together is a partnership – which means we value your feedback on this journey toward becoming a martial artist and the best version of yourself you can possibly be! As our current semester is coming to an end, it’s time to reflect on our progress and goals achieved.

In our kids programs, parents are needed to weigh in on the application of our character education and child development goals for your future black belts. We get to see you’re amazing martial artists for only a short amount of time each week, which means it’s out in the real world where our programs show their worth. Please take a moment to let us know how your student is developing outside of the dojo!

Adult students – measuring backwards is the easiest way to find progress. Please take a moment (whether you are up for promotion or not) to share your goals and progress with your instructor so that we can work together to keep you moving in the right direction!

Promotion Portal

Preschool – Kindergarten

Promotion Portal

1st Grade – 3rd Grade

Promotion Portal

3rd Grade – 5th Grade

Promotion Portal

Junior Karate SKILLZ
Middle School Program

Promotion Portal

Adult Karate
Ages 17+

REMINDER: attendance, either at a promotional exam or by simply showing up to class, does not guarantee rank promotion.

Students are evaluated on the quality of their performance and display of the appropriate rank requirements.

The curriculum outline is intended as a general guide for instructors, not a checklist for advancement. The program director, along with the governing body of the Goshin-Ryu Karate Association, reserves the right to advance or restrict promotions based upon an evaluation of a student’s general proficiency, attendance, attitude, and overall ability.